Kicking off on June 8, #PinoyPride2020 is a week-long Instagram art challenge that celebrates the Filipino culture and Philippines Independence Day.

(Image courtesy of Paola Olivares)
The hashtag event, created by Fil-Am artist Paola Olivares (ArtofPaolaOlivares), began in 2018 with a handful of artists. "After a few years of doing conventions, I noticed a lack of representation with Filipino art despite the growing demand, so I started doing the challenge as a motivation to create new Filipino inspired artworks," Olivares says. "I created the challenge because it was a way for me to connect with my Filipino roots, and a way to contribute in putting out Filipino representation in the art world."
The goal is simple. Make art each day, inspired by the prompt curated by Olivares, and share it on the artist's page with the hashtag #PinoyPride (and year). "I try to mix my prompts by including prominent Filipino figures (past/present), food, art, music, and culture," she explains.

(Image courtesy of Paola Olivares)
In 2019, the same artists continued the event with a new set of prompts. "I am happy to say that there is a steady increase of new artists participating in my year challenge. It’s also great seeing others channeling the challenge through photography and writing," Olivares adds.

This year, 18 Instagram artists from all over the world are officially participating, challenging themselves with the prompt of the day to inspire new artwork. With more people sharing their work and style, Olivares also hopes this challenge goes beyond the art world. "I hope that this challenge will encourage people to learn about the Philippines, to embrace one’s roots, and to support independent artists," she says.

(Image courtesy of Paola Olivares)
"This is in celebration of the Philippine Independence Day as well as a way of educating everyone of the Filipino culture and history," Olivares writes on her caption. "It will be a means to educate everyone about Filipino culture and its history little by little in a fun way," she says.
The first day pays homage to the legendary tattoo artist Whang-od. Day two is Arnis, also known as Escrima or Kali, which is the national martial art sport of the Philippines. We will all be salivating for day three with ensaymada, a delicious Filipino pastry. Day four is the Barong Tagalog, which will hopefully inspire a fashionable day. Day five falls on Philippines Independence Day. The prompt is fitting with José Rizal, a national hero. Day six is Pandanggo (sa ilaw), a popular folk dance also known as “Dance of Lights.” Day seven brings the end of the event with Engkanto—Filipino mythical spirits. This prompt will definitely bring all kinds of imagination to life.
#PinoyPride2020 is open to all artists who would also like to participate. "I want this challenge to be inclusive and open to everyone that wants to join," Olivares encourages.
Be sure to follow and support the artists as well. Check out the hashtags #PinoyPride2018 and #PinoyPride2019 to see more artwork from previous years.