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13 11 14
Lifeline Australia

1800 55 1800
Kids Helpline

13 52 47 

Emergency Services: 000


Your Health In Mind
For expert opinion regarding mental health, treatments, and psychiatrists.


Kids Helpline 
Australia’s only national 24/7 telephone and online counselling and support service for young people aged between 5 and 25 years.

24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Helping all Australians affected by mental illness lead a better life

Black Dog Institute 
Information about depression and bipolar disorder including symptoms, causes, treatments, Q & A section, self assessment tools and getting help.

National Youth Mental Health Foundation. 

Wonderful resource for young people finding themselves and their place in society

The easy way to find mental health and wellbeing information, support and services from Australia’s leading health providers, together in one place.

Works to reduce the impact of anxiety, depression and suicide in the community by raising awareness and understanding, empowering people to seek help, and supporting recovery, management and resilience.

Living Is For Everyone (LIFE)
A world-class suicide and self-harm prevention resource.

Mood Gym 
Learn cognitive behaviour therapy skills for preventing and coping with depression

Free online and telephone Screening Assessments to help you learn about your symptoms of stress, anxiety, worry, and low mood. Complete the Online Screening Assessment and a MindSpot therapist will then contact you via telephone or email to provide you with your results.

Anxiety Australia
Information about anxiety disorders and the treatment options available. You will also find information on psychologists around Australia who have substantial experience in and/or work primarily with anxiety disorders .


AA Australia 

Counselling Online 
Free 24/7 counselling service for people using alcohol and other drugs, their friends, and their family.

Al-Anon Family Groups 
Alcoholism, alcohol abuse, or problem drinking affects thousands of families in Australia and worldwide. Your inquiry is confidential and anonymous. If you are concerned about someone else’s drinking, we encourage you to browse our website for information about our programs

The National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre 
evidence-based information about cannabis use to prevent uptake, especially by young people and in Aboriginal communities, and support treatment of users.

Drug Info


HAVOCA – Help for Adult Victims Of Child Abuse 
HAVOCA is run by survivors for adult survivors of child abuse. They provide support, friendship and advice for any adult whose life has been affected by childhood abuse.

White Ribbon 
Australia’s campaign to stop violence against women

Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria 
We provide training, publications, research and other resources to those experiencing (or who have experienced) family violence, and practitioners and service organisations who work with family violence survivors.

Picking Up The Peaces 
Picking Up The Peaces is a not for profit organisation committed to raising awareness about the detrimental effects of stigma and the signs and symptoms of PTSD and how, by seeking intervention early, sufferers and their families can regain some functionality and an improved quality of life.


International Bipolar Foundation 

Welcome to MindOUT! National LGBTI Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Project

Q Life 
QLife is Australia’s first nationally-oriented counselling and referral service for people of diverse sex, genders and sexualities. QLife provides nation-wide, early intervention, peer supported telephone and web based services to support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people of all ages.


Butterfly National Support Line and Web Counselling Service 
Provides free, confidential support for anyone with a question about eating disorders or negative body image, including sufferers, carers, family and friends, teachers, employers and more.


New Zealand



09 5222 999 (Auckland)
0800 543 354 (Rest of NZ)
Lifeline New Zealand

Emergency Services: 111


The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand 

A charity that works towards creating a society free from discrimination, where all people enjoy positive mental health & wellbeing.

Health and Disability Commissioner

This website helps New Zealanders recognise and understand depression and anxiety  to reduce the impact that depression and anxiety have on the lives of New Zealanders by encouraging early recognition and help-seeking.

This website is full of ideas and stories to help people with depression and anxiety get to a better place.

The Lowdown 

A website to help young New Zealanders understand depression and anxiety from their own perspective.

Alcohol and Drug Help

Gambling Helpline

For The Maori Community

One of the best ways to help your whānau or yourself find a way through depression or anxiety is by keeping in contact. 

For The Pasifika Community
The Pasifika communities living in Aotearoa come from many different cultures and speak a range of languages. While that makes our lives richer, it can be tricky when it comes to talking about difficult things, like mental health.

Affinity Services 

Offers help in navigating mental health services for LBGTI people.

0800 OUTLINE (688 5463) 

A free nationwide phone counselling service staffed by trained volunteers.


Lists New Zealand’s gay organisations and gay-friendly services. It also has articles for people newly exploring their sexuality.


Part of the Whānau provides information and support for takatāpui and their whānau.

Rainbow YOUTH 

Supports young people with a drop-in centre, peer support, advocacy, a library and other resources.


Provides information, education and training for organisations and professionals who provide services to intersex people and their families.


social support group for people from all parts of the Asian region.

Mental Health Foundation Eating Disorders Page

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